Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential.



These values underpin all that we do.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment


At Fairlight Primary and Nursery School every time we make a decision or think about what we are going to do we look at our school vision statement for inspiration and guidance. 

Whenever we are monitoring, reviewing or looking at what we are doing in school we always look at our School Vision and our Values.


The community of Fairlight- pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local community-all worked together to look at what our school was.

This was an amazing collaboration and explored lots of exciting ideas and aspects of the school.

Leaders from the business community worked with governors initially to guide us through this process.

It gave us a chance to look at what we did well. Our Values.

What we wanted to do well.

And ultimately to ask WHY?


Three key areas came from this work.

The first was our Vision.

This came from reviewing all that we did and all that we aspired to be.

This then had to be encapsulated into a simple, easy to explain and understand statement. 

That was very tricky as lots of organisations and schools have a "tag line" or detailed vision however in reality this is not who they are or what they do. 


The second key area was the importance for the pupils of the outdoor learning space.

This led to the amazing Opal Play Project which has not only transformed our outside space but also our whole ethos and mindset around play. 



The third was for us to be clear on what we do well.

These became our Values. 

And these have been added to since when other areas have been identified as strengths of the school.


Below is the outcome of the Vision Statement process. 

This information describes the vision and purpose of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.

It sets out who we are, what we stand for and how we will work together to maintain a clear sense of purpose.

As you will see it was written by those involved.

Pupils, staff and parents. 




Our Vision sets out our ambition for the future, to guide us and inspire us in all that we do. But also to share what we feel we do well. 

Our Purpose sets out why we exist and the contribution our school makes to achieving our vision.

We are more than 70 staff in a range of different roles across the school.

We must be consistent in how we describe our role and the difference we will make, so our children and parents may hold us to account.



Every individual child achieves

Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential. 


We work together to improve the learning and lives of all members of the Fairlight Primary and Nursery School community.


These values underpin all that we do.

This is what you will see at Fairlight Primary and Nursery School and makes us both unique but also ultimately us.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment



Leading by Example

The behaviour we expect to see from all members of the school community can be captured in three documents:

The Code of Conduct for Staff

Staff behaviour is captured in the Code of Conduct for Staff.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary and Nursery School.
  • We act as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We act in a professional manner at all times.
  • We dress appropriately for the role we are undertaking.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school.
  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community.

The Parent Supportive Code

Parent behaviour is captured in the Parent Supportive Code.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.
  • We are all welcome at the school.
  • We are all members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
  • We are represented by Parent Governors on the schools governing body.
  • We are active parents at all times.
  • We attend relevant meetings to ensure we are up to date in our knowledge - e.g. parents evening.
  • We read relevant communications - e.g. letters, texts, the school website.
  • We ensure our children undertake learning linked to school at home - e.g. reading, learning at home.

  • We dress appropriately when attending school.
  • We ensure our children wear the correct uniform for school.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school
  • We report any and all concerns immediately.
  • We report children’s absence immediately.
  • We feedback information to the school immediately and where required.

  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We ensure our children attend school regularly and on time.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We are respectful of our neighbours and the local community around the school.
  • We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves by entering and exiting the premises safely.
  • We do not smoke on the school premises or in the area outside the main entrances.
  • We drive carefully and park responsibly around the school.
  • We do not drop litter in or around the school.

  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community by acting as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We are polite and respectful in our communication - we do not use bad language.
  • We do not engage in any form of negative social media about children or the school.

The Code of Conduct for Pupils - which includes the Learning Superheroes and the Learning Ladder. 

Written by Fairlight Primary and Nursery School pupils


  • DO work hard
  • DO listen, learn and help others
  • DO look after school property – including uniform and library books
  • DO earn your rewards in and out of class
  • DO NOT put up with silly and disruptive behaviour


  • DO have fun and make friends
  • DO respect everyone’s games
  • DO look after your playground
  • DO NOT make people feel scared or unsafe
  • DO NOT fight – even play fighting!


  • DO sit and eat properly – always use a knife and fork!
  • DO be the best person you can
  • DO be honest, truthful, caring and polite – everyone is welcome at Fairlight
  • DO treat others how you would like to be treated – always show respect!
  • DO NOT use bad language, tell lies or answer back




Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential.



These values underpin all that we do.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment


At Fairlight Primary and Nursery School every time we make a decision or think about what we are going to do we look at our school vision statement for inspiration and guidance. 

Whenever we are monitoring, reviewing or looking at what we are doing in school we always look at our School Vision and our Values.


The community of Fairlight- pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local community-all worked together to look at what our school was.

This was an amazing collaboration and explored lots of exciting ideas and aspects of the school.

Leaders from the business community worked with governors initially to guide us through this process.

It gave us a chance to look at what we did well. Our Values.

What we wanted to do well.

And ultimately to ask WHY?


Three key areas came from this work.

The first was our Vision.

This came from reviewing all that we did and all that we aspired to be.

This then had to be encapsulated into a simple, easy to explain and understand statement. 

That was very tricky as lots of organisations and schools have a "tag line" or detailed vision however in reality this is not who they are or what they do. 


The second key area was the importance for the pupils of the outdoor learning space.

This led to the amazing Opal Play Project which has not only transformed our outside space but also our whole ethos and mindset around play. 



The third was for us to be clear on what we do well.

These became our Values. 

And these have been added to since when other areas have been identified as strengths of the school.


Below is the outcome of the Vision Statement process. 

This information describes the vision and purpose of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.

It sets out who we are, what we stand for and how we will work together to maintain a clear sense of purpose.

As you will see it was written by those involved.

Pupils, staff and parents. 




Our Vision sets out our ambition for the future, to guide us and inspire us in all that we do. But also to share what we feel we do well. 

Our Purpose sets out why we exist and the contribution our school makes to achieving our vision.

We are more than 70 staff in a range of different roles across the school.

We must be consistent in how we describe our role and the difference we will make, so our children and parents may hold us to account.



Every individual child achieves

Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential. 


We work together to improve the learning and lives of all members of the Fairlight Primary and Nursery School community.


These values underpin all that we do.

This is what you will see at Fairlight Primary and Nursery School and makes us both unique but also ultimately us.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment



Leading by Example

The behaviour we expect to see from all members of the school community can be captured in three documents:

The Code of Conduct for Staff

Staff behaviour is captured in the Code of Conduct for Staff.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary and Nursery School.
  • We act as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We act in a professional manner at all times.
  • We dress appropriately for the role we are undertaking.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school.
  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community.

The Parent Supportive Code

Parent behaviour is captured in the Parent Supportive Code.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.
  • We are all welcome at the school.
  • We are all members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
  • We are represented by Parent Governors on the schools governing body.
  • We are active parents at all times.
  • We attend relevant meetings to ensure we are up to date in our knowledge - e.g. parents evening.
  • We read relevant communications - e.g. letters, texts, the school website.
  • We ensure our children undertake learning linked to school at home - e.g. reading, learning at home.

  • We dress appropriately when attending school.
  • We ensure our children wear the correct uniform for school.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school
  • We report any and all concerns immediately.
  • We report children’s absence immediately.
  • We feedback information to the school immediately and where required.

  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We ensure our children attend school regularly and on time.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We are respectful of our neighbours and the local community around the school.
  • We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves by entering and exiting the premises safely.
  • We do not smoke on the school premises or in the area outside the main entrances.
  • We drive carefully and park responsibly around the school.
  • We do not drop litter in or around the school.

  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community by acting as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We are polite and respectful in our communication - we do not use bad language.
  • We do not engage in any form of negative social media about children or the school.

The Code of Conduct for Pupils - which includes the Learning Superheroes and the Learning Ladder. 

Written by Fairlight Primary and Nursery School pupils


  • DO work hard
  • DO listen, learn and help others
  • DO look after school property – including uniform and library books
  • DO earn your rewards in and out of class
  • DO NOT put up with silly and disruptive behaviour


  • DO have fun and make friends
  • DO respect everyone’s games
  • DO look after your playground
  • DO NOT make people feel scared or unsafe
  • DO NOT fight – even play fighting!


  • DO sit and eat properly – always use a knife and fork!
  • DO be the best person you can
  • DO be honest, truthful, caring and polite – everyone is welcome at Fairlight
  • DO treat others how you would like to be treated – always show respect!
  • DO NOT use bad language, tell lies or answer back




Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential.



These values underpin all that we do.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment


At Fairlight Primary and Nursery School every time we make a decision or think about what we are going to do we look at our school vision statement for inspiration and guidance. 

Whenever we are monitoring, reviewing or looking at what we are doing in school we always look at our School Vision and our Values.


The community of Fairlight- pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local community-all worked together to look at what our school was.

This was an amazing collaboration and explored lots of exciting ideas and aspects of the school.

Leaders from the business community worked with governors initially to guide us through this process.

It gave us a chance to look at what we did well. Our Values.

What we wanted to do well.

And ultimately to ask WHY?


Three key areas came from this work.

The first was our Vision.

This came from reviewing all that we did and all that we aspired to be.

This then had to be encapsulated into a simple, easy to explain and understand statement. 

That was very tricky as lots of organisations and schools have a "tag line" or detailed vision however in reality this is not who they are or what they do. 


The second key area was the importance for the pupils of the outdoor learning space.

This led to the amazing Opal Play Project which has not only transformed our outside space but also our whole ethos and mindset around play. 



The third was for us to be clear on what we do well.

These became our Values. 

And these have been added to since when other areas have been identified as strengths of the school.


Below is the outcome of the Vision Statement process. 

This information describes the vision and purpose of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.

It sets out who we are, what we stand for and how we will work together to maintain a clear sense of purpose.

As you will see it was written by those involved.

Pupils, staff and parents. 




Our Vision sets out our ambition for the future, to guide us and inspire us in all that we do. But also to share what we feel we do well. 

Our Purpose sets out why we exist and the contribution our school makes to achieving our vision.

We are more than 70 staff in a range of different roles across the school.

We must be consistent in how we describe our role and the difference we will make, so our children and parents may hold us to account.



Every individual child achieves

Fairlight Primary and Nursery School is a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and enables them to develop to their full potential. 


We work together to improve the learning and lives of all members of the Fairlight Primary and Nursery School community.


These values underpin all that we do.

This is what you will see at Fairlight Primary and Nursery School and makes us both unique but also ultimately us.

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology

Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun

Supportive, Play, Progress, Superheroes, Enrichment



Leading by Example

The behaviour we expect to see from all members of the school community can be captured in three documents:

The Code of Conduct for Staff

Staff behaviour is captured in the Code of Conduct for Staff.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary and Nursery School.
  • We act as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We act in a professional manner at all times.
  • We dress appropriately for the role we are undertaking.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school.
  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community.

The Parent Supportive Code

Parent behaviour is captured in the Parent Supportive Code.

  • We are valued members of Fairlight Primary & Nursery School.
  • We are all welcome at the school.
  • We are all members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
  • We are represented by Parent Governors on the schools governing body.
  • We are active parents at all times.
  • We attend relevant meetings to ensure we are up to date in our knowledge - e.g. parents evening.
  • We read relevant communications - e.g. letters, texts, the school website.
  • We ensure our children undertake learning linked to school at home - e.g. reading, learning at home.

  • We dress appropriately when attending school.
  • We ensure our children wear the correct uniform for school.
  • We adhere to the policies and procedures agreed by the school
  • We report any and all concerns immediately.
  • We report children’s absence immediately.
  • We feedback information to the school immediately and where required.

  • We follow the agreed school routines.
  • We ensure our children attend school regularly and on time.
  • We respect the school environment and the right for everyone to be safe at school.
  • We are respectful of our neighbours and the local community around the school.
  • We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves by entering and exiting the premises safely.
  • We do not smoke on the school premises or in the area outside the main entrances.
  • We drive carefully and park responsibly around the school.
  • We do not drop litter in or around the school.

  • We communicate positively about all aspects of the school and with members of the school community by acting as role models for the children and all members of the school community.
  • We are polite and respectful in our communication - we do not use bad language.
  • We do not engage in any form of negative social media about children or the school.

The Code of Conduct for Pupils - which includes the Learning Superheroes and the Learning Ladder. 

Written by Fairlight Primary and Nursery School pupils


  • DO work hard
  • DO listen, learn and help others
  • DO look after school property – including uniform and library books
  • DO earn your rewards in and out of class
  • DO NOT put up with silly and disruptive behaviour


  • DO have fun and make friends
  • DO respect everyone’s games
  • DO look after your playground
  • DO NOT make people feel scared or unsafe
  • DO NOT fight – even play fighting!


  • DO sit and eat properly – always use a knife and fork!
  • DO be the best person you can
  • DO be honest, truthful, caring and polite – everyone is welcome at Fairlight
  • DO treat others how you would like to be treated – always show respect!
  • DO NOT use bad language, tell lies or answer back