Key messages for parents of children eligible for flu vaccination
•The flu vaccine for young children is a quick and painless nasal spray, not an injection.
•The vaccine is the best way for children to build up immunity, they could become seriously ill from flu without it.
•Flu can make young children seriously ill; the nasal spray will help protect them and reduce the risk.
•All primary school aged children will be offered a free flu vaccine at school or a community clinic. It’s a quick and easy nasal spray. Look out for your child’s consent form in their book bags, sign it and return it.
•Keep your children safe from flu this winter and help stop the spread by getting them vaccinated.
•The flu vaccine is a quick and painless nasal spray for children. It’s their best protection and prevents the spread of the virus.
There are more flu materials and you tube videos for children, families and those who work and care of them available here
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