When you telephone the school you will be asked to choose one of the following options:
The school office is open from 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday.
If we are not able to answer the phone, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can or will pass a message onto the relevant person.
HEADTEACHER: Damien Jordan
CO CHAIRS OF GOVERNORS: Victoria Southwell and Nicola Yuill
ASSISTANT HEADTEACHERS: Michelle May / Paul Knight
OFFICE TEAM: Donna Kelly, Alice Woodland, Juliana Ashworth, Carly Bunker,
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection is Damien Jordan (Headteacher).
Below are the relevant contacts for some of the most common queries:
Front-of-house enquiries: Carly Bunker
Uniform orders and queries: Carly Bunker
Parent Pay: Alice Woodland
Admissions: Carly Bunker
Free School Meals: Donna Kelly
Holiday requests: Juliana Ashworth
Finance: Alice Woodland
Information for newsletters: Carly Bunker
At Fairlight Primary & Nursery School, we work very hard to maintain positive relationships and communications with all members of the community.
From time to time, however, we recognise that parents may be unhappy.
Therefore, we would advise that they follow the correct procedures of contacting the class teacher, then a senior member of staff and then the Headteacher to outline their concerns.
If after this, parents still feel unhappy they should then follow the schools complaints procedures.
While parents may feel they want to complain to OFSTED or to the local paper, this will not resolve their concerns any quicker and easier, and their communication will be redirected to the schools complaints procedures - a copy of which can be obtained on request from the school office either by email or a paper copy can be provided.
We reserve the right to ask anyone who abuses us, verbally or physically to leave the building. We may also terminate abusive telephone calls.
We will not tolerate violent, aggressive, abusive or threatening behaviour and, in order to protect our employees, such behaviour may be recorded and shared within the Council. We may also impose sanctions that will stop you from being able to visit council premises.
We will not hesitate to report incidents to the police where we believe this is necessary to safeguard our employees. If we take action you may be prosecuted or fined.