Dear Visitors and Friends,
I would like to wish you a warm welcome to our website, our school and myself.
I hope you will be both informed and excited about what is going on at Fairlight Primary and Nursery School, impressed with what we have achieved and inspired by our vision and goals for the future of the school, the pupils and the community.
Please explore the many interesting pages of our website which give a snapshot of the school.
As you can see we are bright, vibrant, eager to lean and always busy.
In fact you might say we are a school for SUPERHEROES.
For some parents they also want to hear what others think.
If the views of OFSTED are important then see their report to see what they thought when they visited.
As you will see they also agreed with me about the great work we are doing
If the End of Year Results and data is important then check out this information that we are extremely proud of
The best way to find out about the school is however to explore Fairlight in person and to come and visit the school and see it for yourself.
As the Headteacher of Fairlight now for over 15 years I continue to be extremely proud of what our pupils, staff and families have achieved and continue to achieve.
I am however slightly biased.
Having been brought up in the local area, attended a local secondary school and also the University of Brighton I am passionate about ensuring that the pupils who attend our school are given the best start to life in Brighton. As well as those across the whole city- which includes my own son.
Brighton is an amazing place to live and grow up and not a bad football team to support also- which as a season ticket holder is a good thing at the moment. Up the Albion!!!
As well as being Headteacher of Fairlight I am also the Chair of a local partnership of 15 schools (the Brighton City Partnership for Education BCPfE) and the Chair of the Primary Representative Group (PRG) which represents the views and voice of all of the Primary Schools in the city.
I look forward to meeting you and telling you about and showing you our amazing school.
Damien Jordan