GOVERNORSWhat do the governors do?
The role of individual school governors The Governing Body has moved to a committee-less structure, this means that there are not endless sub-committees. The Full Governing Body meets termly. At this meeting the Governors discuss a range of matters. Between these meeting the Leadership Committee meet to discuss strategic and operational matters. This committee can also take on the responsibility of areas that require governors involvement e.g. pay committee. Any governor can attend these meetings. Each school governor however takes an lead in at least one area of the school’s work, such as special educational needs, safeguarding, premises, finance or curriculum areas and is directly linked to a member of the schools leadership team. Governors visit the school atleast three times a year to be updated on and monitor their areas, then they report back to the main governing body. Our aims are:
Who are your governors? Information about who your governors are can be found at Get Information About Schools this lists each governors terms of office and appointing body. Details of each governor can also be found below. Copies of the Governors Minutes can be accessed from the school office. Our governor code of conduct policy can be found here. Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests can be found here. Governor attendance record can be found here. If you wish to become involved with a school by becoming a school governor information can be found here. |
Michelle McCann Co-Chair
Co-opted Governor
I work with governors across 7 Brighton and Hove schools and have recently become a governor on the Fairlight Governing Body as well as Parent Governor at a local secondary school.
I have 3 children who attend/have attended Fairlight and have worked with various community organisations to understand and support poverty proofing in the city. I am also interested in parents and children's mental health and wellbeing and how that is supported in schools.
Dr Nicola Yuill Co-Chair
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 1998
Term of Office 6/5/21-5/5/25
Link governor for Safeguarding/ Teaching and Learning
Governor at Fairlight since 1998, first as a parent of a child at the school and more recently as a member of the local community.
I have 30 years’ experience of scientific research into child development and my governor responsibilities have included a focus on literacy and on quality of teaching and learning.
Joe Jardine Vice Chair
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 2016
Term of Office 16/11/20-15/11/24
Link governor for English
I have worked in the public and government sector for the past 10 years, focusing at various times on finance, child protection and national security.
I am passionate about child health and wellbeing and, after years of commuting to London, wanted to participate more in community life in Brighton.
David Harvey
Clerk to the Governors
I provide advice and support to the Governing Body, which includes administrative work such as arranging meetings and taking the minutes.
Damien Jordan
Fairlight is the third school at which I have been a member of the governing body.
My role as the Headteacher is to share and report information about the school but also to implement decisions made by the governing body.
I meet directly with the Chair of Governors as my direct link as the Headteacher.
Caroline Parker
Teacher governor
Term of Office 30/3/21-29/3/25
Link governor for Finance
I have over 30 years of experience teaching in a variety of schools.
After starting my career in London, I moved to Brighton and eventually came to Fairlight to teach in 2007. I have been on governing bodies for three of the schools I have worked at.
Currently, I am the Literacy Lead at Fairlight but have previously been the lead for Maths, Music and ICT in previous schools, I have also been a specialist Music teacher and specialist speech and language teacher in my past.
Alison Edwards
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 2015
Term of Office 12/1/23 - 11/1/27
Link governor for Assessment/ Pupil Premium
Governor at Fairlight since 2015.I have worked in education for more than 20 years, principally in the independent sector where I was also an inspector for nine years, but more recently in maintained schools locally. My role is to focus on outcomes for pupils, looking at the school's assessment data and meeting regularly with staff and pupils involved.
Joe Hilling
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 2019
Term of Office 13/5/23 - 12/5/27
Link governor for Maths
I have worked for over 10 years as director of innovation and data science for a communications research company. As the link governor for mathematics my role is to enrich the understanding of the governing body on the teaching of maths at Fairlight..
Glen Ferris
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 2016
Term of Office 16/11/20-15/11/24
Currently on leave from role so no link role
I have nearly 20 years’ journalistic experience working as a writer, editor and producer for various print titles and web sites.
My role as communications governor is to make sure the school has great links with local news outlets and businesses.
Michelle McCann
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office 10/5/22-9/5/26
Link governor for Early Years/ Statutory Compliance
I work with governors across 7 Brighton and Hove schools and have recently become a governor on the Fairlight Governing Body as well as Parent Governor at a local secondary school.
I have 3 children who attend/have attended Fairlight and have worked with various community organisations to understand and support poverty proofing in the city. I am also interested in parents and children's mental health and wellbeing and how that is supported in schools.
Kim O'Byrne
Local Authority Governor
Term of Office 31/1/23- 30/1/27
Link governor for Inclusion/ SEND/ Attendance
Since 2003 I have enjoyed supporting pupils with special educational needs in Primary, Secondary and post-16 settings.
As the link governor for SEND/Inclusion/Attendance my role is to support the Head Teacher and the SENCO, to raise awareness of SEN issues, and to focus on the impact of effective SEND provision and equal opportunities on the achievement of every child.
Amy Thompson
Parent Governor
Term of Office 11/5/21-10/5/25
Link governor for PSHE/Wellbeing/ English/ Children in Care
I've taught in a range of state, independent and international schools over the past 20 years. After moving out of London in 2019 back to my home county, I now work for a voluntary adoption agency as their Education Lead supporting families and schools in understanding and meeting the needs of adopted and disadvantaged pupils.
I also continue to do some supply teaching in schools in and around Brighton.
Miguel Vanoostende
Co-opted Governor
Governor at Fairlight since 2013
Term of Office 6/5/21-5/5/25
Link governor for Premises/ Health and Safety
I started being Governor at Whitehawk Primary School in 2012, when my son was attending the school.
I am trained as an architect and I have been working since 2002, mainly focused on building sites, before coming to the UK.
My role as a Governor is to supervise, alongside the joint Premises Governor, all aspects related to Premises and Health and Safety, ensuring we take all the affordable measures to provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment for the children.
Eriko Tanimoto
Seconded Governor for Play/ OPAL Play
Eri was seconded to represent the Governors on the schools OPAL Play Project due to her interest and knowledge around Play, Outdoor Education and schooling in other countries.