As a school we recognise that it is important to work with others in all areas of school life. We are fortunate to belong to two extremely positive partnership. Which gain lots of support from being in these partnerships as well as sharing our own expertise.
The Brighton City Partnership for Education (BCPfE) is made-up of 15 local and maintained nurseries, primaries, infant and junior schools, with collectively over 3,000 children aged 0-11 years.
Our school is a member.
We have worked together as a group of schools since 2007 but more formally since September 2015.
Our joint-working over the years has proven that:
Member schools work collaboratively to enhance the children's school experience and opportunities and to work together on school improvement.
BCPfE delivers services and projects to support children's learning, emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of their families and the wider community.
Our Headteacher Mr Jordan is the current Chair of this group.
More info coming soon
Fairlight Primary & Nursery School is a member of the Sussex Coast Teaching School Alliance.
Sussex Coast TSA takes a lead role in helping schools across the city and beyond to develop and improve. In particular working with schools to develop leadership, train new teachers and drive up standards.
To find out more visit the TSA website:
More info coming soon
As a school we recognise that it is important to work with others in all areas of school life. We are fortunate to belong to two extremely positive partnership. Which gain lots of support from being in these partnerships as well as sharing our own expertise.
The Brighton City Partnership for Education (BCPfE) is made-up of 15 local and maintained nurseries, primaries, infant and junior schools, with collectively over 3,000 children aged 0-11 years.
Our school is a member.
We have worked together as a group of schools since 2007 but more formally since September 2015.
Our joint-working over the years has proven that:
Member schools work collaboratively to enhance the children's school experience and opportunities and to work together on school improvement.
BCPfE delivers services and projects to support children's learning, emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of their families and the wider community.
Our Headteacher Mr Jordan is the current Chair of this group.
More info coming soon
Fairlight Primary & Nursery School is a member of the Sussex Coast Teaching School Alliance.
Sussex Coast TSA takes a lead role in helping schools across the city and beyond to develop and improve. In particular working with schools to develop leadership, train new teachers and drive up standards.
To find out more visit the TSA website:
More info coming soon