At Fairlight Primary and Nursery School, PSHE education is a central part of our curriculum as it enables our pupils to build positive, equal, consensual friendships and relationships and to develop skills to keep themselves and others healthy and safe now and in the future. The PSHE education curriculum supports personal development, behaviour for learning including promoting attributes such as kindness, respect, consent, resilience and self-efficacy.


Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. It will provide opportunities to embed new knowledge and practice skills that can confidently be used in real life situations on and offline.  What we teach in the classroom will help our pupils foster lifelong aspirations, goals and values.
With this in mind, PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future.

This includes helping them to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change. Also, giving them a solid foundation for whatever challenging opportunities lie ahead, so they can face a world full of uncertainty, with hope.

This in turn achieves a 'virtuous circle', whereby pupils with better health and wellbeing can achieve better academically, and enjoy greater success.

Our School Vision


Fairlight Primary and Nursery School will be a learning environment tailored to every child, their individual needs and abilities and will enable them to develop to their full potential.


These values underpin all that we do:

Multicultural, Respect, Friendly, Learning, Technology, Inclusive, Community, Creative, Healthy, Fun, Supportive.

PSHE teaching and learning is strongly interwoven with our vision and values, through our PSHE curriculum we teach:-

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health and Wellbeing Education. Our PSHE curriculum also covers economic wellbeing, and personal safety (including assessing and managing risk).  Learning opportunities for each key stage are spread across three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

Meeting the needs of our Pupils at Fairlight

Here at Fairlight we have pupils from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.

Our School Improvement Plan highlights Communication and language skills and vocabulary, Metacognition and Self-regulation.

Our PSHE curriculum gives children the knowledge and skills to embrace our diversity. It promotes discussion and introduces new vocabulary. It also teaches children to have a deeper understanding of their own and others feelings and practises strategies to develop their resilience. The spiral curriculum means themes are revisited regularly, with understanding extended throughout the children’s time at school. Our PSHE curriculum supports pupils to develop metacognitive strategies through learning self-awareness, respecting and valuing difference and building confidence to be active in the decision making around their learning.


Planning and Assessment for PSHE at Fairlight

We follow the Brighton& Hove PSHE curriculum map.

This curriculum map is based on the DfE statutory guidance for Primary Relationships and Health Education and the PSHE Association Programme of Study and supports schools to meet the duties in the Equality 2010 on promoting equality and challenging prejudice. The map outlines how we can cover the KS1 & KS2 learning outcomes and is grouped into topics some of which fit with SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of Learning) themes.  The number of lessons needed to cover topics is based on one PSHE lesson per week.  Where there are B&H PSHE Team resources provided for Brighton & Hove schools this is indicated on the map and these can be downloaded from BEEM


Some of the PSHE topics have been planned around key events of the school year, for example new starts and Anti-Bullying.   Some sensitive topics, such as Loss and RSHE are placed towards the end of a year when class relationships are more established.

All learning outcomes references for the PSHE topics are from the PSHE Association Programme of Study, which is organised into 3 core themes:

Core Theme 1: Health and wellbeing (H)

Core Theme 2: Relationships (R)

Core Theme 3:Living in the Wider World (L)


The Brighton & Hove PSHE Curriculum map is based on a spiral curriculum where in which fundamental ideas are repeatedly presented throughout the curriculum, but with increasing complexity in lessons and reinforcing previous learning.


Please see separate document:  Fairlight PSHE curriculum Map.

Fairlight PSHE Curriculum Map


Relationships and Sex Education

Y456 Scenario sheets 2021.docx .docx
Whats your kind word or action Y2 Y3.docx .docx
Kind words tick list 1.docx .docx

Fairlight Say's NO to Bullying



Some interesting resources that we love at Fairlight.