Year 5 Homework Page
Spellings week ending 12/06/24 appreciate community environment government parliament prejudice (These are words children will be practising and using in their writing over the coming week.) |
Ask me about questions Over the past few weeks, children have been practsing their swimming skills. Please use the attached resources to talk to children about swimming safety. |
Summer Term Topic Homework Suggestions Please click on the link above to see our suggestions for topic homework to be completed this term. Please can all projects be brought to school by Friday 12th July 2024.
Remember to keep practising your number facts on Timestable Rock Stars or White Rose 1 Minute Maths. Don't forget to check out this weeks task on Rollama! Most importanly READ, READ and READ some more!
Year 5 Homework Page
Spellings week ending 12/06/24 appreciate community environment government parliament prejudice (These are words children will be practising and using in their writing over the coming week.) |
Ask me about questions Over the past few weeks, children have been practsing their swimming skills. Please use the attached resources to talk to children about swimming safety. |
Summer Term Topic Homework Suggestions Please click on the link above to see our suggestions for topic homework to be completed this term. Please can all projects be brought to school by Friday 12th July 2024.
Remember to keep practising your number facts on Timestable Rock Stars or White Rose 1 Minute Maths. Don't forget to check out this weeks task on Rollama! Most importanly READ, READ and READ some more!
Year 5 Homework Page
Spellings week ending 12/06/24 appreciate community environment government parliament prejudice (These are words children will be practising and using in their writing over the coming week.) |
Ask me about questions Over the past few weeks, children have been practsing their swimming skills. Please use the attached resources to talk to children about swimming safety. |
Summer Term Topic Homework Suggestions Please click on the link above to see our suggestions for topic homework to be completed this term. Please can all projects be brought to school by Friday 12th July 2024.
Remember to keep practising your number facts on Timestable Rock Stars or White Rose 1 Minute Maths. Don't forget to check out this weeks task on Rollama! Most importanly READ, READ and READ some more!