Each week on Friday there will be an update on all things to do with Fairlight.

Please read and click on the links to find out what is going on.






And we are done.

See you all in September.


What a year this school year has been. 

Highs and lows.

Amazing moments as well as sadness.

We said hello to so many new members of the school as well as saying goodbye to many also.

We end the year with a smile and a tear.


Thank you to everyone who has been part of this amazing year and is part of our amazing community.

And thank you to everyone for their gifts and kind words.

I have had postcards and letters from parents and grandparents as well as former parents all saying how wonderful the school is, was and continues to be. 

As I look back on the Weekly Updates and various photos and memories of this year I am reminded how special it is to be part of this school.


Staff will be back in school on Monday 2nd September 2024 for INSET Training. 

Pupils will be back in school on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 for Kindness Week.

More information about Kindness Week we will be sent to you before we return.

You might want to start thinking about what we could be doing during Kindness Week. 



A few updates and improvement are being made in various parts of the real and virtual school. 

Rooms are being changed around as classes and teachers move around the school.

Ceilings, lighting and heating improvements are taking place.

A few website updates also.

Keep an eye on these over the summer and when you come back in September. 



Start thinking about Kindness- it will be helpful for Kindness Week. If you have any ideas then email them to the school workathome@fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk 

Friday Football starting signing up https://www.fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk/beondtheclassroom/sports/fantastic-fairlight-friday-football-club 

Future Politicians and School Leaders start planning your campaigns https://www.fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk/in-the-classroom/other-classroom-information/school-council

Read https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/libraries-leisure-and-arts/libraries/summer-reading-challenge-2024

Do some Sport https://bhafcfoundation.org.uk/football-participation/holiday-sessions/bhafc-soccer-schools/




Poster Come on England | Wall Art | 3+1 ...

Just one week to go.

I know- how can we be down to the last week already!!!



It is out. It is amazing. We are all very proud.




There is quite an important football game on Sunday evening which I am guessing many children and families might be watching. 

It might even go to extra time and penalties (if we are lucky).

However being positive we will win it and then have to have a little celebrate after the game (ours might be later in the week).

Both however will be quite late.

And that might be after lots of singing of "Its coming home".

Some might even have to try and find home.

With all this fun in mind we will be doing a soft start on Monday.

This should give everyone (except the staff who have to be here as normal) a chance for a slower start to the morning to take it all in.

Maybe have an extra half an hour in bed. 

Breakfast Club will be on as normal.

School will start at the same time as normal.

Gates will open at 8.40 and close at 9am.

However anyone not arriving for this time will have until 10.00am to get into school- coming via the front office.

Anyone arriving after 10am will be marked as late if they arrive or absent if they do not.

We will not be able to order dinners for anyone arriving after 10am. 

Normall procedures for reporting absence will be in place.  

YEAR 6 however will need to be in school by 9.45am at the latest as they have a performance booked for 10am start. 

Let's hope we are all smiling on Monday!!! 



This is now online. 

What a great year. 




Your child's school report came home on Friday.

The link to fill in any feedback is here.


Everyone who replies before Monday will be placed in a Prize Draw.



  • 14th July- England win the Euros
  • Monday 15th July- Lord Jordan Hiring and Firing
  • 15th July- Report Meeting with Teachers

If after reading your child's report if you want to discuss any aspect of the report further you can contact the School Office via the form link and book a meeting with your child's Classteacher. If your child has a positive school report and you are a happy parent then you do not need to come and tell us. We already know how happy you are. 

  • Tuesday 16th July- Year 6 Production 
  • Wednesday 17th July- Year 6 Leavers Assembly
  • 17th July- 3.30-.4.00 Meet your Child's New Teacher

On Transition Day (5th July) the children will get to meet their new classteacher for September. On 17th July there is a chance for you to also meet them more formally in their new classroom. All you will need to do is collect your child at the end of the school day from the playground and then get them to take you to their new classroom. This is often a very exciting time for children who are moving floors- from Reception to Year 1 and from Year 2 to Year 3. Sadly for parents this will mean more stairs!!!

  • Thursday 18th July- Final Celebration Assembly
  • Friday 19th July- PARTY DAY- last day of term NON - UNIFORM DAY- School will finish at normal time.
  • Monday 2nd September- Teacher INSET Day
  • Tuesday 3rd September- First Day of Term for children



Lunch on the final day will be a giant playground picnic for the children.

This will be "down the beach" Fish and Chips (in a tray) or a bagguette. Or of course you send them with a packed lunch.

Please can you prepare the children that these are the options on this day. 

More information about Party Day will follow in due course whilst we decide what we are celebrating!!!!



Can everyone start to get everything taken home asap?

If you send your child with a bag (either a rucksack or carrier bag) they can start bringing all of their amazing stuff home with them.

Also the lost property has gone mad again.

Everything with a name has been rehomed.

Everything else needs to be.




The School Council met this week to end this school year with a quick review of the successes they have had this year.

They also met Miss Rodrigues who will be leading the School Council next year.

Anyone interested in joining the School Council can read about what they need to do and might want to start thinking about it over the summer and getting their election campaign up and running.



We have had a number of groups and classes out of school during the SUmmer Term.

Just this week we have had swimming and a visit to the Booth Museum.

It is always easy to criticise and complain however not everyone spends the same amount of time and effort saying nice things.

I got this recently where someone has taken the time.

Just wanted to say how delightful your children are.
I traveled on the bus through Brighton today and your children were polite and well behaved and looked like a lovely group!
A bit of a rarity and worthy of praise
Enjoy your summer break





Not long to go now. But still so much to do.

And that refers to Fairlight and not the England football team!!! 



As part of Transition Day today we welcomed our NEW Reception families for September but also welcomed a large number of children who will be joining us for September from St Barts but also from a range of other local schools as well as children and families that will be joining us from further afield.

As ever I know you will make them all feel very welcome.

We are really looking forward to September (once of course we have had a chance for a little summer rest) as we are likley to get updwards of 80 new children joining us in Reception (where we are now running waiting lists) as well as across the school.



Our Transition Page has been updated explaining how the school will be organised for September but also the theories and reasons behind our transition work.

As it shares we are aware that transition can be a challenging time for some children (and staff and parents) however it happens every year, our systems are well thought out and ultimately we know they work. 




We even managed to get a sneaky little summer fair in today. 

Well done to the PTA who have SMASHED fundraising this year. 

And thank you to everyone who continues to support the PTA.



I have a copy of the draft report which is being "fact checked".

We are hoping that the Final Report will be published before the end of this school year.

We can't wait to share with you and the wider community what they have said. 



From next year we will be starting a new innovation in school. 

This is a Inclusion Intervention Space (IIS) or as we will call it Poseidon Class.

We are one of a handful of schools across Brighton and Hove who have been chosen to pilot this approach.

Poseidon Class will dovetail and compliment the already exciting and amazing work that takes places in Neptune Class- our Nurture Provision- which was huge factor in us being succesful in being chosen.

Poseidon Class will focus on children with additional needs who may be stuck in their learning in either a particular subject, in multiple learning areas or in learning overall.

When children from across the school are identified as being stuck we will look at the various reasons that may be behind this a come up wiht an intervention plan that will unstick them.

This may include time in Poseidon Class where the expert staff will be able to unpick and address the reasons and work to rectify these.

This might be by directly working on the problem or it might be working backwards to where the problem arose and building back in the building blocks that are needed to ensure this gap is filled.

We are still working on the finer details and will update our NEW Inclusion Intervention Space page with this.




The Fairlight school building is approaching 150 years old and whilst we tell everyone its not going anywhere and is solid like all of us it does continue to need a little bit of TLC.

This Summer we are in the fourth  year of the biggest project we have undertaken in the school. 

Taking out the lights in all areas of the school and installing new energy efficent lighting.

Which means installing new ceilings and lighting control systems. 

And at the same time installing new heating systems into the ceilings of classrooms and then removing all of the wall radiators across the school.

This will aim to make the school much more energy efficent. 

The project started years ago with the loft space having to be cleared and made structurally sound and the removal of any traces of asbestos.

Then the programme of installing new ceilings and new lighting and heating systems started.

This summer sees the final stage of the ceiling installations.

And the start of the largest and most complicated part of the programme.

The removal of every radiator and associated pipe across the whole school. And the making good of the various holes and gaps this will leave. And as I am sure all of you DIY fans know that many people do not paint behind radiators when they redecorate. And we have hundreds of them that have been here for a long time.

This removal will start this summer and is likely to take place at EVERY half term for a whole year. 



Fairlight continues to appear in the news as we are active in discussions around the future of education and schools in Brighton and Hove. 

If you see anything in the Argus or the Brighton and Hove News and want to know more than please come and speak to Mr Jordan on the gate. He is always happy to chat about this and always welcomes hearing the views and thoughts of others. 

As you will see from the recent articles we continue to advocate for our community, our school and most importantly our children whilst at the same time advocating for the wider community within Brighton and Hove as well as for the wider voice of young people.



Don't forget to get booked into the Summer Scheme that will be running at Fairlight. Places are booking up fast so don't leave it to late.



  • 8th July- Year 6 BBQ
  • 9th July- Sports Day- this will be held at the Patch.
  • 10th July- Year 3 Booth Musuem Trip
  • 12th July- Year 6 Apprentice Sales Event- bring some money to buy items that the Year 6 Apprentice Teams have made
  • 12th July- Reports come home
  • 14th July- England win the Euros
  • 15th July- Lord Jordan Hiring and Firing
  • 15th July- Report Meeting with Teachers If after reading your child's report if you want to discuss any aspect of the report further you can contact the School Office via the form link and book a meeting with your child's Classteacher. If your child has a positive school report and you are a happy parent then you do not need to come and tell us. We already know how happy you are. 
  • 16th July- Year 6 Production 
  • 17th July- Year 6 Leavers Assembly
  • 17th July- 3.30-.4.00 Meet your Child's New Teacher On Transition Day (5th July) the children will get to meet their new classteacher for September. On 17th July there is a chance for you to also meet them more formally in their new classroom. All you will need to do is collect your child at the end of the school day from the playground and then get them to take you to their new classroom. This is often a very exciting time for children who are moving floors- from Reception to Year 1 and from Year 2 to Year 3. Sadly for parents this will mean more stairs!!!
  • 18th July- Final Celebration Assembly
  • 19th July- PARTY DAY- last day of term NON - UNIFORM DAY





A warm week in school however we have been very active and Year 2 even managed a trip to the beech and rumour has it an ice cream.



Don't forget to ensure your child has a water bottle in school and also maybe a hat. 

They can refill their water bottle during the day.

It however must be water and not juice. Juice does often have a range of different additives and levels of sugar in and we cannot be supporting this being drunk during the day. It is also very sticky and difficult to clean up if it spilt- which is often the case when the children are grabbing a quick drink.

Also if parents are giving their children medicine in school this should not be given in their water bottles- incase another child was to drink it. A lot of the bottles look very similiar and children rushing do often pick up the wrong bottle.

All medicine should be given to the school office.



The Summer Half Term Scheme running at Fairlight during the school holidays is starting to book up so don't leave it to late to make a booking.

For more details click here.




  • 5th July- Transition DayAll children on this afternoon will go to their new classroom and meet their new teacher and in some cases their new class. Year 6 on this day will be going to their new schools.
  • 8th July- Year 6 BBQ
  • 9th July- Sports Day- this will be held at the Patch.
  • 10th July- Year 3 Booth Musuem Trip
  • 12th July- Year 6 Apprentice Sales Event- bring some money to buy items that the Year 6 Apprentice Teams have made
  • 12th July- Reports come home
  • 14th July- England win the Euros
  • 15th July- Lord Jordan Hiring and Firing
  • 15th July- Report Meeting with TeachersIf after reading your child's report if you want to discuss any aspect of the report further you can contact the School Office and book a meeting with your child's Classteacher. If your child has a positive school report and you are a happy parent then you do not need to come and tell us. We already know how happy you are. 
  • 16th July- Year 6 Production 
  • 17th July- Year 6 Leavers Assembly
  • 17th July- 3.30-.4.00 Meet your Child's New TeacherOn Transition Day (5th July) the children will get to meet their new classteacher for September. On 17th July there is a chance for you to also meet them more formally in their new classroom. All you will need to do is collect your child at the end of the school day from the playground and then get them to take you to their new classroom. This is often a very exciting time for children who are moving floors- from Reception to Year 1 and from Year 2 to Year 3. Sadly for parents this will mean more stairs!!!
  • 18th July- Final Celebration Assembly
  • 19th July- PARTY DAY- last day of term NON - UNIFORM DAY



You will see various activities in the roads around the school during the last week.

Improved lighting is all part of the School Streets Project that we are hoping to launch in September.





Some rare things this week.

Sunshine being the main one.

However to counter that something we are used to seeing- England playing badly. 



You may have seen a number of yellow signs around the school warning about parking for dates next week.

The council will be improving the lighting around the school as part of the School Streets project for Fairlight.

We have been working with the council to make improvements to the local area and this includes street lighting.

This area of town is often felt to be unloved and not as shiny as the city centre and as part of our School Streets work we shared how dark it can look and feel in the winter and how particularly around by the Nursery entrance it can get quite dark.

Please ensure you are aware of the parking restrictions in place so that we don't have grumpy council staff who can't make the improvements but also so that we don't have to have the parking enforcement team out to move cars.



Several weeks ago Mr Jordan met with a journalist to discuss the amazing Opal Award we had achieved but to talk all things education, schools and play. You all know Mr Jordan loves a chat!!!

The resulting article was due out a few weeks ago however the announcement of the election was deemed to be more important than hearing from Mr Jordan and seeing his lovely photos (I am not sure it really was but lets give them their 2 minutes of fame).



As a school we continue to promote areas that we feel are important such as play and play space but also to continue to advocate for children.

Mr Jordan may well need to start working on his baking or his Pasa Doble for his next media appearance!



Our Athletics Team took part in the Brighton and Hove Schools Athletics Competition this week at Withdean.

Long jump, throwing, sprints, long distance and relay had Fairlight children giving it their best against lots of other schools.

A large number of individual medals were won by members of the Fairlight team and the whole team came Third Overall in the overall event.

Well done to them all. 



They survived.

And that was just the staff.

A fantastic time was had by most.

Some memories and more information can be found on the Year 6 Residential page.




Don't forget to check out the dates from last week for the Summer Term ahead. 

Not long to go however loads to cram in.




It was not lost on me that I am writing about Week 9 of the Summer Term and the weather is definitely not summery.

But on a brighter note we now have daily football to watch for weeks to come. And if England do what we hope with added interest as an England fan and not because you have Pascal Gross in your Fantasy team.
Come on England- (is what I say here before every tournament!!!)



Our Year 6's have been out this week at their residential trip.

Sleeping in tents. Swimming in rivers. Riding bikes.

Everything you would want in the summer in Year 6.

They have however had to cope with some interesting weather in terms of rain and cold. 

I am sure that everyone (including the staff) will have a big sleep over the weekend and will be very happy to see their beds. 



Some more dates have been confirmed this week for the Summer Term.

Below is a quick list so you can get them booked into your diary and reorganise your work diary if needed. 

  • 18th June Year 5 Greek Immersion Day
  • 19th June- Withdean Athletics
  • 20th June- Drum Assembly- sadly without Ed Sheeran this time but who knows who might appear!!!
  • 25th June- Year 2 Seahorses Beach Trip
  • 26th June- Year 1 Animazing Visit
  • 27th June Seahorses Beach Trip
  • 28th June- PTA Disco Day NON - UNIFORM DAY
  • 5th July- Transition Day- all children to meet their new teacher/ Y6 to new schools
  • 8th July- Year 6 BBQ
  • 9th July- Sports Day
  • 10th July- Year 3 Booth Musuem Trip
  • 12th July- Year 6 Apprentice Sales Event
  • 12th July- Reports come home
  • 15th July- Lord Jordan Hiring and Firing
  • 15th July- Report Meeting with Teachers
  • 16th July- Year 6 Production 
  • 17th July- Year 6 Leavers Assembly
  • 17th July- 3.30-.4.00 Meet your Child's New Teacher
  • 18th July- Final Celebration Assembly
  • 19th July- PARTY DAY- last day of term NON - UNIFORM DAY

More information will come from individual year groups or in the coming weeks about events on this list. 



There is still time for you to have your say on the School Streets Project for Fairlight.





I was reminded today that last week was Half Term.

After a very busy and intense week at Fairlight it seems a long time away.



We have this week completed our 2 days of OFSTED visiting the school.

At this point the result and any information remains confidential however I can share that we are happy with the result and the visit.

Thank you to everyone who offered their kinds words and support during the visit.

The Governors have today sent "sweet items" for the Staffroom to keep everyone going.

What happens next?

The Report will be written over the next 18 days and will be published in the next 30 days.

That means we will have a published report to share with you and everyone before the end of term

How will we celebrate this?

We will be planning something before the end of the school year for staff, pupils and parents to celebrate the outcome. 

Keep watching this space for more information. 



Year 6 continue to prepare for the Apprentice.

During Half Term 4 clever candidates completed every single one of the special Lord Jordan tasks.

They have been given their Apprentice Points and have already started to planning for the next tasks. 



All of our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children are going to take part in trials on Monday for our Athletics Squad for Withdean this year.

Running, jumping and throwing practise over the weekend for them all.



Please see the enclosed information.

School Streets At Fairlight Letter


What is School Streets?

School Streets Fairlight Walking Map
School Streets Fairlight Concept Drawing
School Streets at Fairlight



WEEK 6 (and 7 which is half term)

Sorry for the delay in writing this. A combination of illness and half term resting meant that today is the first day of looking at my computer.

I hope you have all had a good weeks break and managed to get out in amongst the crazy weather we are having. 



Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday 3rd June 2024.



Don't forget to ensure you child has a water bottle for the summer term as we can but hope for some nice weather and some heat.

If you wish to put suncream on them please do this before they come to school. Staff cannot apply suncream during the day. 



We will update next week all of the dates for the summer diary as it is an action packed term with so much going on a lots of opportunities for you to come into school.



Good luck to the Year 6 Candidates who have been set a challenge over the half term. This can be found on the Year 6 Apprentice page should you want to see how tough Lord Jordan has been on their first challenge.




I would say it is now all calm after our amazing visit last week however the reality is we are still "trending" all over the world and still getting phonecalls and positive comments from lots of different sources.


Ed Sheeran Page

Not many schools can say they have an Ed Sheeran page on their website. 

We have however set up the page to show everyone some more photos and information from the amazing visit as well as sharing with you the various news articles from all over the world. 



Childrens Parade

Before Ed (I think as his mate I can call him that) came to Fairlight we were already buzzing from the amazing Children's Parade that we did this year.

We have now updated this page also with videos and photos from the day.



I don't think you could explain Fairlight to someone any easier than to show them these two pages. 


Year 6 SATS

Our Year 6 pupils have this week completed their SATS.

We are very proud of all of their hard work and efforts to prepare for these but also their work this week during SATS Week.

The tests were "interesting" and we will await the outcomes later in the term. 

But now Year 6 move to the hard stuff.

The "reign of Lord Jordan" has started today.



Road Plans

I this week met with the School Streets team to look at the plans for our School Streets project that will hopefully launch in September 2024.

As you can see there will be significant changes to improve the crossings around school but also to change the flow of traffic and make the area around the school much safer but also to look to cut the pollution around the playground site of the school.

I will share more with you when I have it. 

School Nurse Drop in about Dentist and Teeth

Our School Nurse Nicki will be in school from 2.30pm on Monday to talk to any parents who may be struggling with or want advice around Dental Hygenie for children. She will be with someone from the Dental Team as they will be doing a few drop in's in classes earlier in the afternoon to talk about good teeth health.

If you want to chat to her then catch her in the playground or come to the office after 2.30pm.



This will be starting on Thursday at breaktime for children in Key Stage 2- so Year 3/4/5/6.

We are looking for donations of crackers, bread sticks, health squash drinks and/ or other healthy options. 

We are also looking for cushions we can have in the playground for children to sit on at the Tuck Shop.

All items in the Tuck Shop will be 10p/20p and no child will be allowed to spend more than 50p- there will be some "bundle deals" to help those who can't decide.

Once we have a confirmed start date the children will be allowed to start bringing in their small change.


Can you spot our guest?



This weeks opening comment is simple.


After last weeks amazing Childrens Rave (sorry Parade) we decided to take it up a level.

And we certainly did that.

More photos and more will follow once we have had time to take it all in.


Todays Visitor

Yes, Ed Sheeran did come to Fairlight for the afternoon.

Yes, Ed Sheeran did visit some music lessons and jam with some of our musicians.

Yes, Ed Sheeran did play a small intimate concert in the school hall.

Yes, it was a "only at Fairlight" moment.

Yes, lots of people will be very jealous and won't believe us.

Yes, we will put some more images up soon!!!


Childrens Parade

What can we say about the parade this year.

Best "big make" in the parade.

Best sound system.

Best song.

Best Samba band playing along.

Best smoke.

Best dancing.

Best "end of parade" party on the seafront.

Any more photos please send to the school so that we can put them on our Children's Parade page. 

Thank you and well done to everyone who took part either on the day or before the event.


Football Semi Final 

A tough week for the team after our Quarter Final victory against Coldean.

Today the team have been out at a tournament in Lancing- at the time of writing we don't know how they did.

We did however earlier in the week travel to Westdene for our semi final.

They were unbeaten all season and hadn't let in a goal.

We were greated with a large grass pitch- which is the achillies heel of playground ballers!!!

A quick goal from the kick off from Westdene gave us early warning of the strength of the opposition.

Some tough tackling and a fast break resulted in us equalising and gave the opposition a bit of a shock.

Westdene regrouped and started the bombardment of our goal. Some great defending and blocks with hands (by the goalie), feet, heads, backs and anywhere else meant we got to half time 3-1 down but still in the game.

An inspirational team talk at half time was needed however all players were blowing from a tough half on the big pitch.

We may have changed ends but the barrage continued and Westdene showed their class, experience and fitness.

The game ended 9-1 however for many it was the first semi final they had played in.

And to give the players credit we hit thier crossbar and kept them pinned in their half as the final whistle blew.


Attendance and Absence- the rain on a sunny day!!

Be honest.

Fill in the forms- before if it is planned or you know early enough.

Let us know- ring/ ping or email us if you want to ask for advice or need to know what to do.

Show us proof -texts, letters, appointments. Show us and we can log this.

That would be our simple advice about attendance and absence.

If all of these things happen then we are able to work with you however if this doesn't happen it makes it harder for us to follow the systems that we have to follow. But also makes it more difficult for us to support you.

At the end of the day it would be easier and is often the case that we have no choice but to refer it on and let someone else decide.

They will then just apply the rules.



That yellow thing was spotted in the sky this week and then swiftly covered with the grey stuff and the water falling from the sky again.



This week in school teachers have undertaken PPR- Pupil Progress Reviews.

They have met with myself and Mr Knight in his role of AHT with responsibilitiy for Assessment to discuss the progress of children in their classes.

Governors were invited to attend to observe the process in action.  

I wanted to share how detailed the information that the teachers shared was about the children in their classes. This showed that they have detailed knowledge and understanding of the children but also their needs and how to support these.

A couple of key themes came up that we continue to work on as part of our ongoing School Improvement Strategy.

These included for example Attendance.

One of the biggest factors impacting on children who are not making progress or who are behind with their learning was poor attendance and lateness. 

One of the key actions was for teachers to share with you examples of children's learning who have good attendance but how this compares to children with poor attendance. This is also the same for friendships and other areas such as physical development and fine motor skills which would be used for handwriting.

Another key area that came up was around our older children and the need for many of them to continue to read with an adult. 

Parents often stop reading with their children once they "can read" however the key thing about reading with an adult- or sharing a book together when children are older is not the learning to read or the mechanics of reading it is the comprehension element. The questions. The conversations. The explanation of words. And the actual interaction between child and adult. All of these are key to continue to develop as a reader.

And ironically the "reading test" that our Year 6 children will be taking in a few weeks is all about reading and answering questions. It is not testing if they can read the text. It is about do they understand it. 



Our Semi Final will take place on Tuesday away to Westdene.

Good luck to the team.

They will get a second chance at glory on Friday when they take part in a Play PE Tournament over at Lancing FC.



We still have a vacancy for a Parent Governor.

If this is something you think might be of interest to you please speak to Mr Jordan. 



Thank you to 2 parents who have come forward- see last weeks Update.

We still have 4 more spaces.



We hope to see lots of you on Saturday at the Children's Parade on Saturday. 

As ever you won't be able to miss us.

And you will definately hear us coming!!!



Another exciting week at Fairlight with lots of positive things to share.



The Brighton City Partnership for Education (BCPfE) is a group of local schools who work closely together and support each other and one of the ways of doing this is sharing good practise as well as supporting each other in projects or new initiatives. 

As part of the work we do with our partnership of schools we were visited this week by 3 Headteachers from local schools to carry out some learning walks with Mr Jordan.

This involved them standing on the gate, following the children into school and then visiting classes to see the learning taking place as well as walking around the school to see displays, playtime and all those other things in school that are happening during the day.

The staff have had feedback about the visit however I wanted to share with you some of the key headlines from their visit.

They were impressed with how calm the school was. Children in classrooms learning. Movement around the school was calm. Two of the Headteachers didnt even realise a whole Key Stage had gone to playtime because of how calmly and sensibly the children moved from the classroom to the playground. And back again after playtime- and the Headteachers were stood in the corrdiors when this happened.

The warm and poisitive start to the day from the gate to the classroom was noticed and then how quickly the children are starting their learning was something all of the visitors noted.

Walking around the school they saw some amazing quality art displays and spoke to a number of children who all spoke so positively about their school and their experience of school.

I have to say I am very proud of what they saw and how positively they spoke about Fairlight. 



On Tuesday our school football team travelled to Coldean for the Quarter Final of the Fitzgerald Cup following our win last term against St John the Baptist.

The teams left in at this stage are normally the football schools with large numbers to chose from and players who live and breathe football out of school.

On arrival we were greeted with a big pitch and full size goals which is in stark contrast to the playground and the level where we practise.

And also confirmation from our "scouts" that a number of the players on the other team play football for clubs out of school.

A tough few minutes at the start of the game resulted in us going quite quickly 1-0 down.

A few words, a small change in formation and getting used to the slope and hill meant we took a barrage of shots and attacks however we fought strongly and even got a few shots away of our own.

A half time team talk about the need to press and get shots away was needed and as we were only 1-0 was able to give some hope.

Within 3 minutes of the restart and with the words ringing in the ears of the Fairlight players we were 3-1 and shooting from all angles and from all parts of the pitch.

A solid defence performance meant we pinned them into their half and with 7 minutes to go (we are not sure where the ref found 5 of those from) we were 5-1 and defending for our lives but still fireing in shots and testing an excellent keeper.

The full time whistle went (eventually) and a shocked but happy team had secured a 5-3 win and semi final against Westdene.



We are starting to plan for some redecoration of the school library.

We are awaiting work on the ceiling to install new lighting and a new heating system as part of the whole school heating and lighting plan however there are some areas we can start now.

There are 6 pillars in the library and we were thinking about each one representing one of the Fairlight Superheroes.

What we need is someone who is extremely artistic or creative to turn our ideas into reality. 

We would be able to provide the resources or the ideas.

What we need is the talent.

So if you think you could do something with one of the pillars and you have a Superhero in mind please speak to Mr Jordan.

It might be that each Superhero is taken by a different artist or is worked on in a different style.

We can't wait to hear from you. 



This is a message we recieved from Brighton and Hove City Mission.

Throughout the year the schools team at Brighton & Hove City Mission is joining with Off the Fence and other Christians across the city to pray for those working in schools, for children and young people and the issues they face.

We will be praying for your school on Wednesday 15th May and if there is anything specific we can be praying for your school, the children or the staff please let us know using this link https://forms.gle/dQSfLaLwYdsTdfBz6 or feel free to display the attached poster in your school.

Christians in your school community may like to join us in praying. We are meeting at Holy Cross Church, Downs Way, Woodingdean BN2 6BD, at 4pm on the 15th May to pray together. 

Pray for Fairlight



A great first week back and the weather has also been kind (ish).



Tuesday 16th April was National Offer Day when all the children who have applied to join schools in September find out which school they have been allocated.

This is an exiting and scary time for the families - and in light of the ongoing issues in Brighton and Hove around the falling birth rate and pupil numbers for schools also.

I am sure many of you will remember the nervous wait to find out which school you had been allocated.

We have contacted all of the families who have been allocated Fairlight to welcome them and to direct them to the information they need to start reading and preparing to start school.

The amazing news is that we have been allocated 60 children to start with us in September 2024- which included 76% choosing us as their first choice. 

This is the exact number of children for the places that we have. 

Of the 46 schools in Brighton and Hove just 19 (41%) took their full allocation of which Fairlight was one of.

We are also one of the most popular schools in terms of first choice and total allocation in the local area with other local schools getting 50-60% first choices.

And with the total number of applications being only 88% of the total number of places it would appear it was a tough year so to have 100% of the places filled is amazing. 

This is excellent news for the school. As I have shared before schools are funded based on the number of children we have in the whole school so therefore the more children we have the more money we have to spend. So a full Reception means we hopefully get 7 years of a full year group moving through the school. 

I think this shows how much the work that the school is doing in so many areas is valued by parents both at the school but also those wanting to join the school.

I would like to personally thank the Office team for their hard work in organising and planning the large number of tours we do each year. To also recognise the amazing work that Miss May and the EYFS Team do to make Reception so welcoming. And of course not forgetting the parents and pupils who are living examples of the school. And of course the rest of the staff who make all of our visitors welcome. 



I wanted to update you about OFSTED.

We were contacted at the end of last term by OFSTED who wanted to come and inspect the school. 

As you may have seen in the media OFSTED have recently had to review their practise and all inspectors have recieved training following the sad death of Ruth Perry- a Headteacher- and the outcomes of the coronors' review.

Due to the situation we found ourselves in at the end of last term I requested a deferral of the inspection as I felt this would add undue pressure on the staff in school but also in light of the fact that we would also not be able to show ourselves in our best light. 

I know you are aware of why this was the case from my previous messages.

This deferral was accepted by OFSTED.

I am pleased that they took this decision and thank them for taking this position.

This is however all new to the inspection process so now we do not know when they will be back.

I would expect it would be within the next term.

We will be in touch when they do confirm they are coming as you will be asked to complete Parent Surveys. 



There won't be Friday football this week.

We will start again next week. 


I hope you are having a good break and that you have managed to catch up with family and friends.

School may be closed to pupils however there has been a couple of building projects ongoing as well of course as Easter Club running at the school.

We will see you all back on Monday 15th April 2024 for the start of the Summer Term. Hopefully someone will tell the weather that it is the summer term!!



I have seen a number of children and parents during the holidays.

The children all looked very happy.

Some of the parents did but a few were quite desperate for us to open the school and for the summer term to start.

If you are wanting ideas to keep the children occupied then here are 3 to keep you going. And you can show the children the website and these were given by Mr Jordan.



Half term is a good chance to read.

The simplest way to get some books to read is to go to a library and take some books out.

Charity Shops always have a great selection of cheap books.

And you could then donate them to the school or make use of the new Book Swap we will be running in the playground after school using the new PTA Magic Reading Hut. See a picture of it below and watch out for updates. 



Don't forget to keep practising those times tables. 



After Half Term we will be relaunching a Fairlight favourite the Golden Dustpan and Brush.

This will be a special award that our cleaners will be awarding to the class who have tried to and helped to tidy their classroom.

And to start practising you may want to get them doing some tidying at home.

The class who are awarded this prestigous awrd will get to show off the Golden Dustpan and Brush Award that Chris has made- see below.

Golden Dustpan and Brush
Magic Reading Hut


It is with great sadness that we inform you that Neil Avard- husband of Shereen Avard our Assistant Headteacher for SEND/ Inclusion and "dad" to Bessie our School Dog passed away at the end of last week after a short illness.

Neil was a great supporter of Fairlight and worked with a number of families to support them through his work with the One Church and Russel Martin Foundation.


On a personal note I will miss my chats about Brighton and Hove Albion as well as a selection of other random topics. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Shereen and their children Alex, Max, Sadie, Anna and of course Bessie.

He will be greatly missed. 

Weekly Updates

Below are the previous updates from this academic year. Please read through to find out what has been happening.

Of course to save room most of the pictures and videos have been removed from old posts.


Weekly Updates Spring Term 2024

Weekly Update Spring 12.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 11.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 10 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 9 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 8 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 7 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 5 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 6 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 4 24.docx .docx
Weekly Update Spring 3 24.docx .docx

Weekly Updates Autumn Term 2023

Weekly Update Autumn 14 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 13 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 12 23.docx .docx
WEEKLY Update Autumn 11 23.docx .docx
WEEKLY Update Autumn 10 extra 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 10 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 9 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 8 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 7 23.docx .docx
Weekly Update Autumn 6 23.docx .docx