Welcome to the Year 1 page!
PE will be Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) for both classes-please send your child into school wearing an appropriate PE kit for that day
(we will not be changing for PE in school)
Please send books bags in on Fridays to change books (one is a phonics book and another is a book chosen by your child to share with you) and try to read a few times a week and fill in the reading record. Thank you!
Click on the Reading, Maths, English and Purple Mash links below for lots of fun online learning opportunities.
This term we will be learning...
Click on Maths Games to play lots of fun maths games
Click on English to find links to plenty of helpful websites
Please see below for a useful support sheet showing the different phonemes the children are learning, as well as the cursive alphabet we are beginning to work on this term.
Click on Purple Mash to explore, improve your skills and knowledge and have fun in lots of creative ways.
If you don't have your login details, speak to your class teacher