Winner Winner you are a winner

Winner Winner you are a winner


Children get selected for Certificate Assembly each week for showing teachers their fantastic learning skills linked to our Superheroes. A certificate is awarded and a reason is given that is shared with the class and the school in assembly.

At the end of each Half Term teachers have the very difficult task of choosing their class awards.

Each teacher gets to choose two children each term who have shown amazing skills just like one of our Learning Superheroes.

  • Creativity like Carla.
  • Perseverance like Pepito.
  • Risk taking like Ronan.
  • Curiosity like Colin.
  • Independence like Isis.
  • Kindness like Bea.

Sometimes the children may even have shown the learning characteristics of more than one of the Superheroes.

The reasons are written on a special certificate and each child also wins a medal.

This is a very tricky task for teachers as so many children have shown lots of these skills during the year. 

And then the teachers have to get together in their Key Stages and choose a HEADTEACHER AWARD from within their Key Stage for someone who has shown maybe all of the skills of the Superheroes or who has achieved something truly Super.

This is a very rare award as only 1 of these are given each term. Children get a special HEADTEACHER AWARD Trophy and special certificate with all the reasons written on it.

Mr Jordan is very proud of all the winners

Mr Jordan is very proud of all the winners