RE: Buddhism

What is Buddhism?

In this section, find out more about the main ideas of Buddhism. It is an interesting belief system: a religion that doesn't have a god; a religion that is also a philosophy (a way of thinking). Find out about the life of young Prince Siddhartha, who would become known as the Buddha, and how he came to look at sadness and suffering in the world in a new way. Find out about the four Noble Truths he is said to have noticed when he ventured outside his palace walls into the city. What would be your four Noble Truths that are important to you?

Introduction to Buddhism Power Point

Little Sid: A Story of Young Prince Siddhartha

The Story of Buddha: the Four Sights and the Four Noble Truths Power Point

Your Noble Truths Activity Sheet

Autumn: Bodhi Festival

We will be celebrating the day when Prince Siddhartha is said to have sat under a fig tree (bodhi tree) and thought of eight ways in which people could reduce suffering and be truly happy (nirvana). When you feel sad or things are not going so well, what makes you feel happy?

Under the Bodhi Tree Storybook

What is the Bodhi Festival? Power Point

The Eight-fold Path Power Point

What Makes Us Happy? Power Point

Your Paths to Happiness Activity Sheet

Design a Bodhi Tree Leaf Activity

29 Things That Might Make You Happy

Spring: Losar & Theravedin Festivals

In Tibet and surrounding countries, Buddhists celebrate the Losar Festival, which begins their New Year. In other parts of the world, Buddhists have a New Year celebration at different times, such as Theravedin festival in South East Asia. Below, you'll find a Word Document with great Losar Festival home activities! to try out, as well as some photos, colouring and video clips to visualise the festival. Tashi Delek!

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Summer: Vesak Festival