Marlin Gallery



At the start of term we really enjoyed reading 'The story Machine' by Tom Mclaughlin.  We then made our very own story picture books  using lots of different art materials. Here are photographs of our class display and our amazing stories. 

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Over the past couple of weeks we have been reading 'The Iron Man by Ted Hughes'. We took inspiration from the Iron Man description in this book and designed an Iron Man head using different shapes. We then coloured his eyes and outlined in chalk or charcoal to make his figure stand out. After, we used shading techniques with chalk and charcoal to explore light, shade, shape and space. 

We love how they are all so different but all look amazing! 

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   Converting Converting


Year 3 have been making Iron Men out of different media. We designed our Iron Men first, then we cut the shapes out of cardboard. Next we covered the body part in tin foil and finally, we added details in pen to make the character come alive.

We love how they are look different and interesting! Which one is your favourite? 




e had a lovely day celebrating Diwali! We watched a video which explained that Diwali is the Festival of Light and is celebrated by Hindus. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and the triumph of good over evil.


Year 3 have been learning about the festival of Diwali. We watched a video which explained that Diwali is the Festival of Light and is celebrated by Hindus. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and the triumph of good over evil. After that, we had a very creative afternoon doing lots of Diwali art. We made diva lamps and Rangoli patterns using coloured card and we used paint and forks to create a firework picture. Look at all our fabulous creations! 

